INOVACAT announces GASOLFIN technology

INOVACAT Announces the Development of a Breakthrough Process, GASOLFIN, for Maximum Propylene Production from Naphtha at the Lowest Costs

Amsterdam, December 31st 2016: INOVACAT B.V., a process technology innovator, announced today that it has developed a new catalyst based process, capable of converting a full range of naphthas into propylene, butylene and aromatics.  The GASOLFIN™ (Gasoline-to-Olefins) process will produce up to 42 wt% propylene, 24 wt% butylene and 20 wt% aromatics depending on feed stock selection.  Capital costs are up to 50% lower while operational costs are 30% lower than comparable technologies.

“The GASOLFIN™ process represents the first genuine breakthrough in propylene processing technology in the last several decades,” says Ray Fletcher, CEO of INOVACAT.  “The significant reduction in both CapEx and OpEx will result in the lowest possible propylene manufacturing costs, compared to other technologies available in the petrochemical industry.”

The heart of this technology is the breakthrough catalysis.  All catalyst testing has been executed and confirmed by CPERI laboratory in Thessaloniki, Greece.  CPERI laboratories is a globally recognized, fully independent research facility servicing the Refining and Petrochemical Industries.